Blog - Raúl Rosas 👊🏽


Multi-hatted plate spinner. Proud product of immigrants. Ecosystem builder.

👋🏽Hey, I'm Raúl Rosas. I'm a bit of a plate spinner, a serial entrepreneur, founder, re-founder, investor, lifelong learner, storyteller, data hoarder, financial modeling nerd, and, most of all, proud product of immigrants.

I can't remember everything so I find it easier to collect thoughts, resources, tools, and everything in-between here to recall them, to reference them later, or to easily share. Hope it's helpful. Enjoy!

Best way to connect? Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram. For more, see linktree.

First-Time Founders Resources

Looking for First-Time Founders Resources? Go here:

Equity Crowdfunding

Check out my public portfolio here.
